Saturday, December 24, 2011

Santa's Elves

Santa sent a very special shipment to our house a couple of weeks ago.  He knew that we'd need extra time to put together a very magical gift for Kate from him.  And, boy, did we ever need that extra time!

The shipment arrived three Fridays ago by freight and came in 5 very large boxes.  We were just dying to know what Kate had asked Santa for!  We also knew that Santa wouldn't have sent a gift so early unless he required some help with something.  After Kate went to bed that night, we tore into the boxes and discovered that Santa had sent a swing-set!

Now this is not just any swing-set.  This is the Mercedes Benz of has three places for swings, a rock wall, a ladder, a climbing rope, a wave slide, a tic-tac-toe game, a wheel, telescope, and a playhouse on top with real, working shutters!  When we started opening up those boxes, we had never seen so many parts!

Needless to say, we got right on the construction of the set the next day and spent 10 solid hours working on it.  I would guess it probably took us at least 2 hours just to lay out the parts!  In total, about  30 hours have been spent putting this swing-set together.  Fortunately we've had Blake's parents the last several weekends helping out and my mom helping out this week when we've been off.

Unless Santa decides to stay a little longer tonight, we'll be putting the final touches on the set tomorrow.  Pictures will follow later but, for now, it's time for us all to have a good night.

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