Most of you know that Kate was born premature at 33 weeks. I never had any signs or symptoms of premature labor but, BAM!, one Saturday I went into the hospital just to be checked out after having some back discomfort and one other sign that's a little too much tmi for the internet. Well, little did I know I was already 4cm. Kate held on for another 6 days before she kicked me one good time and it was all downhill from there! Needless to say, developmentally Kate has been right on track (or advanced) for a typical child her age except with motor skills (although I argue that some of her motor delays has to be due to her laid-back personality). Now these delays haven't been significant, maybe a 1/2-month to a month behind (which is expected for a preemie and even a typical child), but we seem to be at a standstill for learning to crawl and walk. Everyone comments on how strong her legs are, but we just can't seem to help her realize that if she bends her knees she can use those strong legs to walk. Until now that is....
So here's my "don't tell the pediatrician" story:
Yesterday I ran errands during Kate's morning nap time. I ran into Babies r Us to get the yummy organic snack foods she likes and temptation loomed on aisle 13 in the form of a clearance gadget: the walker. Now, everything we read says don't use a walker. They are inherently dangerous and just by putting your child in one we're almost assured that he/she will topple over immediately and just die. Or at least that's what I've gleaned from the warning paperwork my doctor has given us about developmental milestones. Well, in my little head I didn't see doom and gloom, I saw an opportunity! So I bought one. Of course at this point I can't tell you if it's actually going to help Kate learn to walk but I can tell you for the first time she not only stands tall, but she has figured out how to bend her legs and move her feet and, well, walk! I've attached a picture of Kate in her new toy. You'll just have to make sure you don't share them with my pediatrician and, if you're one of our pediatrician friends and you're reading this right now, don't judge! :)
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